MLS Laser Therapy is FDA cleared for treating musculoskeletal pain and to speed healing of incisions and reduce swelling.
If you live on Long Island and suffer from painful foot conditions such as tendonitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, etc., or have had a surgical procedure on your foot and would like to speed healing and reduce swelling without drugs, call Podiatrist Dr. Martin G. Miller to see if this treatment can work for you.
The MLS Laser is an exciting new technology that uses an FDA cleared laser to quickly and painlessly treat all kinds of musculoskeletal pain.
No Drugs, No Steroids, No Injections.
Quickly and painlessly treat tendonitis, bursitis, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, bruises, acute sprains and strains and more.
Speeds heeling of surgical incisions and reduces swelling and edema.
Our office has the First, and as of January 1, 2014, the ONLY MLS Laser on Long Island..
Call 516-867-0560 for an appointment.